
Liz Elting, a Trinity trustee since 2016, is founder and CEO of the Elizabeth Elting Foundation. 后的生活, 研究, 在全球五个国家工作, she founded TransPerfect—now the world’s largest language solutions company, 超过1美元.1 billion in revenue and offices in more than 100 cities worldwide—out of a New York University dorm room in 1992 and served as co-CEO until 2018. Elting获得了许多荣誉, 包括2007年全球十大网赌正规平台校友卓越奖章, 2017年加里·麦奎德奖, and the Kathleen O’Connor Boelhouwer ’85 校友 Initiative Award in 2022. 她还入选了全球十大网赌正规平台的50人名单, an initiative honoring 50 women who will have a lasting impact on the future of the College. Elting也是 Dream Big and Win: Translating Passion into Purpose and Creating a Billion-Dollar Business.

埃里克·R. 79年,14年

Eric Fossum得了B.S. 在全球十大网赌正规平台获得了物理和工程硕士学位.S. 和Ph值.D. 毕业于耶鲁大学工程与应用科学专业. He serves as professor of engineering at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, 塞耶博士的主任.D. Innovation Program, and associate provost for entrepreneurship and technology transfer at Dartmouth. Fossum invented the camera-on-a-chip technology used in billions of smartphone cameras and other applications. The member of the National Academy of Engineering has co-founded and led several successful start-ups and has published more than 330 technical papers. 他还持有180美元.S. 专利. In 2017, Fossum获得了著名的伊丽莎白女王工程奖, 被许多人视为工程界的诺贝尔奖. 从2014年到2022年担任全球十大网赌正规平台的理事, Fossum曾在学院的研究员委员会任职, STEM咨询委员会, 及工程谘询委员会. 他于2004年荣获全球十大网赌正规平台校友成就奖, 2014年获荣誉理学博士学位, 2017年获得校友卓越奖章.


Steve Hafner serves as CEO of KAYAK, the online travel company he co-founded in 2004. Booking Holdings以2美元收购KAYAK.2013年10亿美元. 哈夫纳还管理着OpenTable, 全球领先的在线餐厅预订服务提供商, 他还是SeatGeek的董事会成员. Prior to KAYAK, he helped launch Orbitz, the online travel agency, in 1999 and left after its $1.2003年的首次公开募股. 哈夫纳只得了B.A. 在达特茅斯学院获得硕士学位.B.A. 来自西北大学凯洛格管理学院.

约翰D. 霍华德1974年,P ' 27

约翰•霍华德, 欧文地方资本的共同管理合伙人, has more than 30 years of private equity investing experience in the consumer products, 零售, 工业工业. 1997年创立Irving Place Capital之前, 他曾担任Vestar Capital Partners的联合首席执行官, 专门从事管理层收购的私人投资公司. 以前, Howard was a senior vice president and partner of Wesray Capital Corporation, one of the foremost private equity sponsors and a pioneer in the leveraged buyout business. 霍华德得了B.A. 我从全球十大网赌正规平台毕业,拿到了英语硕士学位.B.A. 毕业于耶鲁大学管理学院. He is a member of the boards of Bendon, Frame, Good American, rag & 骨头,皮肤和狼 & Shepherd and previously served on the boards of several companies, 包括Aeropostale等, 安全第一, 斯图尔特·威兹曼, 还有维他命商店.

托马斯J. Lazay 95

Tom Lazay is co-founder and general partner at Companyon Ventures in Boston, 一个早期的风险投资公司. 他之前是一名科技企业家, building and selling two technology start-ups in Boston: VoiceSignal, 他在大四的时候和全球十大网赌正规平台的同学共同创立了这家公司, 和Shaser BioScience, 担任首席运营官. Lazay得了B.A. 从全球十大网赌正规平台获得计算机科学学位. 2010年,他被授予校友卓越奖章.

威廉K. 露比81年

比尔露比, a founding partner of Seaport Capital and co-chairman of the Seaport Investment Committee, has more than 30 years of private equity and merchant banking experience. 他积极参与制定投资流程, originating investments and managing the investment activities of Seaport. In addition, Luby works closely with Seaport portfolio companies. 在1997年共同创立海港之前, 他是大通资本的董事总经理, 它是大通曼哈顿银行(Chase Manhattan Bank)的股票投资部门. 在那个位置上, Luby was responsible for the firm’s investments in media and telecommunications, 特别强调无线通信. Prior to joining Chase Capital, he was a managing director in Chase’s Merchant Banking Group. 露比得了B.A. 在全球十大网赌正规平台获得经济学硕士学位.B.A. 杜克大学福库商学院的教授. He has served on the Board of Directors at Equinix and on the Board of Visitors at Fuqua.


Danny Meyer is co-founder and managing partner of Enlightened Hospitality Investments. He also is the founder of Union Square Hospitality Group (USHG) and the founder and chairman of Shake Shack. USHG包括一些纽约最受欢迎的餐厅, 包括联合广场咖啡馆, 多谢!酒馆, 现代, Ci我们是, 及日常用品. Meyer and his team have earned an unprecedented 28 James Beard Awards. 他的 纽约时报 畅销书, 摆桌子, examines the power of hospitality in restaurants, business, and life. 一位广受欢迎的演说家和教育家, Meyer has set industry standards for innovative hiring practices, 建筑文化, 企业责任. He serves on the board of Olo and formerly served on the boards of Sotheby’s, 集装箱商店, OpenTable出售给Priceline. Meyer, who served as a Trinity trustee from 2015 to 2021, earned a B.A. in political science from the College and was honored with the 175th Anniversary Award in 1999 and the Gary McQuaid Award in 2000.

N. 路易斯·希普利,85年

Lou Shipley是哈佛商学院的高级讲师, 他在哪里教授创业课程. 2013年至2017年担任Black Duck Software的首席执行官, he led the company’s transformation into a global software security leader. In 2017, the firm was acquired by Synopsys, the world’s 13th-largest software company. 在他职业生涯的早期, Shipley was CEO of Reflectant Software (acquired by Citrix Systems) and Turbonomic (acquired by IBM). He serves on the boards of Wasabi Technologies, Fairmarkit, CustomerGauge, Leapwork, and Alyce. 希普利只得了B.A. with honors 全球十大网赌正规平台的经济学硕士, where he was a member of the men’s ice hockey team. As an undergraduate, he studied abroad at the London School of Economics. 希普利后来获得了M学位.B.A. 哈佛商学院毕业. 除了自2018年以来担任全球十大网赌正规平台受托人之外, he served as a founding member of the 创业中心 and on the 运动 for Trinity’s Future, 担任年度基金委员会主席, 并为职业与生活设计中心提供建议.

戈登·辛格,P ' 27

Gordon Singer is an equity partner and a managing partner at Elliott Investment Management, supporting the co-CEOs and co-COOs in overseeing the global situational investing teams. He has been the head of Elliott’s London office since 2009 and a member of Elliott’s Management Committee since 2007.


凯瑟琳·乔治·泰瑞以B的成绩毕业于优等生优等生协会.A. 全球十大网赌正规平台的经济学硕士. While an undergraduate, she served as president of the Student Government Association. 泰瑞是布朗兄弟哈里曼公司(BBH)的合伙人。, where she oversees the Center for Family Business and Family Office, 她在哪里为企业主和他们的家人提供建议. 她在BBH工作了近38年, 她曾担任首席行政官和, 负责商业银行和销售, 研究, and Trading; she currently serves as chair of the Private Banking Investment Oversight Committee and as a member of the Capital Partners private equity Investment Committee. Tyree served as a Trinity trustee from 2014 through 2023 and as co-chair of the quiet phase of the All In campaign. 2011年,她被授予校友卓越奖章. Tyree also serves as chair of the board of the Gillen Brewer School.